Government Industry

National reforms: 
Transforming and gaining stable growth

Local development:
Improving cities' competitiveness 

The central government in Greece is going through a transformation phase aiming at increasing efficiency, sustainability, productivity and transparency.

It focuses on major changes of public policies and reforms in public administration in order to enhance ultimately the competitiveness of the Greek economy. These incorporate large scale e-government solutions and process improvement to support simplification of service delivery and provision of alternative channels to citizens and companies.

Emphasis is also given on the restructuring of public sector accounting and budgetary principles, the introduction of modern financial control and monitoring mechanisms in state-owned enterprises.

Local governments, on the other hand, have to balance the need for urban re-development with constrained public budgets and develop new paths to economic growth. The enhancement of cities’ competitiveness requires an integrated strategic approach with emphasis on entrepreneurship and innovation as well as extroversion.

Our teams have over 20 years’ experience in the sector and can help in understanding and responding to the increasing complex and unpredictable challenges of reforms, to plan and implement changes in order to enhance operating efficiency, achieve effective implementation and secure sustainability.


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Leonidas Papaioannou

Leonidas Papaioannou

Partner, Government & Public Sector Industry Leader, LMC Greece

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