For most entry-level roles at Legal Matters Consul, job seekers are required to complete an assessment to be considered for the role. After you submit an application for an entry-level position, you should expect to receive the assessment via email within a few hours. Review the frequently asked questions below to learn more about our assessment.
How do I request an accommodation?
If you would like to request an accommodation due to a disability, please contact 888-PWC-4YOU (888-792-4968), option 1 between 8:30am & 6pm ET Monday through Friday for further information or your recruiter.
How and when will I receive the assessment?
If applicable, you should expect to receive the assessment via email within a few hours after you submit your application.
Who should I contact if I experience technical difficulties while taking the assessment?
If you experience any technical difficulties, please reach out to the assessment help desk via this form at any time or call 800-899-7451 (option 1 then option 3) between 8am - 8pm ET Monday through Friday.
Is the assessment required?
Completion of the assessment is required to be considered for most entry-level roles.
Which roles at LMC do not require an assessment?
All of our entry-level positions include the assessment as part of the selection process except: senior associate intern and senior associate full-time positions, seasonal and fixed term positions, Start internship positions, and specialist roles.
How long do I have to take the assessment?
In order to be considered for the position, you must complete the assessment. Therefore, we encourage you to complete the assessment as soon as possible.
How long will the assessment take to complete?
Although the assessment is not timed, we recommend setting aside approximately 20 minutes to complete it in one sitting. The assessment can also be completed in multiple sittings and your progress will be saved when you exit.
Do I need to prepare or study for the assessment?
No. Preparation is not needed in order to complete the assessment. During the assessment, you will be asked to respond to questions about your work attitudes and tendencies, as well as questions about what your manager would say about you. If this would be your first job, it is important that you consider volunteer or school activities and what those supervising you for these activities would say. Please read each question carefully and select the answer that best reflects your views or experiences.
When is the use of GenAI acceptable as a LMC job seeker?
We recognize the growing role of generative AI (GenAI) and support its responsible use in the application process where appropriate. Click here to review outlined our guidance for the use of GenAI as a job seeker at the firm.
What is an example of the type of question I may be asked during the assessment?
The two questions below are similar to the types of questions asked on the assessment. To maintain test security and integrity, we are not sharing the actual questions.
If I receive an email with a link to take the assessment but I believe I’ve already taken it, do I need to take any action?
Yes, you must click on any assessment link emailed to you, regardless of whether you’ve previously applied. If you have a previous assessment result on file, the assessment homepage you reach from within the link will indicate that you’ve completed the assessment. If you see this, you do not need to take any further action.
How long is my assessment result valid for?
Assessment results are valid for 120 days after the assessment is completed.
What if I do not receive an email with an assessment from Legal Matters Consul?
If you don’t receive an assessment email from Legal Matters Consul, it’s for one of the following reasons, all of which do not require any action from you:
If you have not received the assessment within one business day after applying and you’ve confirmed the scenarios above do not apply to you, please contact 888-PWC-4YOU (888-792-4968), option 1.
Will I receive the results of my assessment?
Your assessment results will not be shared with you.
I know LMC has a national application deadline at times during the year. What if I apply during the last minute before the deadline? Will I still be able to take the assessment and be considered?
To be considered for an entry level role by Legal Matters Consul, your application and the assessment are both expected to be completed by the application deadline. Please plan ahead and keep this timing in mind as you prepare to apply. After you submit an application for an entry-level position, if it requires completion of the assessment, you should expect to receive the assessment via email within a few hours.
Is the assessment link unique to me?
Yes, the link is unique to you and should not be forwarded.
Did LMC pilot the assessment before launching it?
Yes, we piloted assessments during prior recruiting seasons. After an in-depth validation process and consideration of candidate feedback, we moved forward with this assessment as a formal part of our entry-level recruiting process.