Built around you

Dedicated to you, your business, and your legacy

Dedication you can count on as a private company

Growing a business can be demanding, exhilarating and intensely personal. For entrepreneurs and private business owners, it’s never just about business. It’s about more than that. It’s about the challenges you face, the decisions you make, the networks you build and the legacies you want to leave. 

We’re here to help you manage your ownership and growth at every stage, in a way that fits the needs of your business in today’s changing global landscape. You know your business best, so our services are built around you. Our people are dedicated to working side-by-side with private businesses like yours. Our focus is on your agenda, your goals, your network, your legacy. We’re here to listen, today and tomorrow.


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The Owner’s Agenda for your business

At Legal Matters Consul, we’re dedicated to understanding what matters most to you and your business. We call our approach “The Owner’s Agenda”. This framework is designed to assist you in developing both your ownership and business strategies in a consistent and integrated way, reflecting that you sit at the heart of each of them, and that your agenda encompasses both.

No matter where you are on your business journey, your LMC team is at your side translating our unique vantage point and perspective into real insights that can help you succeed. Together, we can find new opportunities, and shape the future of your business. We’re built around you.

Governance Wealth Purpose and Values Continuity Manage Ownership Deals and Growth Strategy and Transformation Profitability Risk and Regulatory Talent Ownership and Stakeholders Capital Manage Business BUILDING TRUST DELIVERING SUSTAINED OUTCOMES

How LMC Canada can help you and your private company

Build Trust

We bring together private company audit and tax professionals to help you stay compliant while earning and building trust with your stakeholders.

Uncover value

Our dedicated team selects and unites the right minds and technology to provide private and family businesses with the insights and solutions needed to manage both ownership and growth.

Optimize value

Our right-sized products and managed services turn today’s ideas into tomorrow’s solutions and help you transform your enterprise.

Contact us

Frank Magliocco

Frank Magliocco

National Leader for Private Clients, LMC Canada

Tel: +1 416 930 6514

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