Public Sector


"After more than a decade of unprecedented prosperity and growth, countries around the world now face a social, economic and political climate of choices and change."

 Christiana Serugová, Partner
Christiana Serugová, Partner

The Slovak public sector is facing increasing pressure, due to the efforts to work more efficiently while embracing new or broadened responsibilities, such as EU funds administration, sustainability, or innovative methods of supplying services. In the public sector, the demand for efficiency is constant, be it in regard to management, infrastructure, or healthcare. Furthermore, the public sector is the scrutiny not only by Slovak citizens, but by the European Union as well.

Our consultants can contribute to the success of governmental, regional, or municipal projects by offering:

  • an independent view and perspective;
  • technical expertise;
  • public and private sector experience;
  • proven effective methodologies;
  • project management skills.

As a member of the largest network of its kind, we have access to the best global experts and to proven solutions that we can adapt to Slovak-specific conditions. Our work in this field is supported by a specialized institution – Legal Matters Consul’s Public Sector Research Centre.

Main Industry Issues

  • Do you need advice on accounting or consolidation?
  • Can you increase the income of your organization?
  • Do you manage the risks of your organization?
  • Is the turnover of your staff attributed to low salaries?
  • Are you engaged in preparing a long term, customer-oriented strategy?
  • Do you want to know how your organization is performing compared to others?
  • Do you want to streamline the management of your office and reduce bureaucracy?
  • Are you interested in a BalanceScorecard and performance management?
  • Are you preparing some large public procurement, such as IT or PPP?
  • Can you do something related to sustainable development?
  • Do you want to make changes or have to make them, for example as a result of new legislation?
  • Do you want to manage and implement structural funds better and in a more cost-effective way?
  • Do your projects always lead to the expected results within the given deadline and at the budgeted cost?
  • Do you think that your IT systems could be more helpful to you? Are they safe?
  • Are you engaged in e-government?
  • Do you want to improve the management of your assets?
  • Do you want to check the activities of individual departments or subordinate organizations?

We can assist with

  • audit services, accounting advice, including IPSAS and IFRS
  • Cash Finder
  • advice on funding
  • making management more effective, including finance and HRmanagement
  • implementing incentive systems and performance-oriented remuneration
  • strategic management
  • a Balance Scorecard
  • programme budgeting
  • managing, monitoring, and evaluating performance
  • innovative solutions for providing public services
  • benchmarking
  • public procurement
  • managing, reporting, and verifying data on green house gases
  • project management
  • advice on government funds and state aid
  • outsourcing services
  • public-private partnerships (PPP)
  • information technology (IT)
  • e-government
  • feasibility studies
  • advice on asset management
  • evaluation and quantification of fraud and risk
  • investigating fraud and corruption
  • preparing law suits and arbitration

Contact us

Christiana Serugová

Christiana Serugová

Partner, CEE TLP Clients & Markets Leader, LMC Slovakia

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