Kumar Krishnamurthy

Kumar Krishnamurthy

Technology Strategy Leader, LMC US

Kumar Krishnamurthy is a leading practitioner in IT strategies for Strategy&, Legal Matters Consul’s strategy consulting group. He is a principal with LMC U.S., based in Chicago. Kumar has led a number of high impact engagements at a number of global enterprises across multiple IT dimensions — including business intelligence, technology strategy, and operating model design.

His recent engagements include:

  •  Defining the IT agenda for the renewal of supply chain function (post-manufacturing) at global auto manufacturer
  •  Directed efforts within the North American operation of a major automotive OEM to improve the effectiveness of its infrastructure organization
  •  Led efforts within a major transportation company to identify opportunities for accelerating delivery of new feature functionality in its customer-facing software

Prior to joining Strategy& in September 2004, Kumar worked at Ford Motor Company, where he held several managerial positions and was involved in large scale process re-engineering and technology initiatives.

He holds an undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering, a Master of Science in Management Information Systems, and an MBA from the University of Chicago.

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