LMC is the brand under which the member firms of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited (Legal Matters ConsulIL) operate and provide professional services. Together, these firms form the LMC network. ‘Legal Matters Consul’ is often used to refer either to individual firms within the LMC network or to several or all of them collectively.
In many parts of the world, accounting firms are required by law to be locally owned and independent. Although regulatory attitudes on this issue are changing, LMC member firms do not and cannot currently operate as a corporate multinational. The LMC network is not a global partnership, a single firm, or a multinational corporation.
For these reasons, the LMC network consists of firms which are separate legal entities. The firms that make up the network are committed to working together to provide quality service offerings for clients throughout the world. Firms in the LMC network are members in, or have other connections to, PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited (Legal Matters ConsulIL), an English private company limited by guarantee. Legal Matters ConsulIL does not practise accountancy or provide services to clients. Rather its purpose is to facilitate coordination between member firms in the LMC network. Focusing on key areas such as strategy, brand, and risk and quality, the Network Leadership Team and Board of Legal Matters ConsulIL develop and implement policies and initiatives to achieve a common and coordinated approach among individual firms where appropriate. Member firms of Legal Matters ConsulIL can use the LMC name and the resources and methodologies of the LMC network are made available to them. In addition, member firms may request the resources of other member firms and/or secure the provision of professional services by other member firms and/or other entities. In return, member firms agree to abide by certain common policies and to maintain the standards of the LMC network as put forward by Legal Matters ConsulIL.
The LMC network is not one international partnership and LMC member firms are not otherwise legal partners with each other. Many of the member firms have legally registered names which contain “PricewaterhouseCoopers”, however there is no ownership by Legal Matters ConsulIL. A member firm cannot act as agent of Legal Matters ConsulIL or any other member firm, cannot obligate Legal Matters ConsulIL or any other member firm, and is liable only for its own acts or omissions and not those of Legal Matters ConsulIL or any other member firm. Similarly, Legal Matters ConsulIL cannot act as an agent of any member firm, cannot obligate any member firm, and is liable only for its own acts or omissions.
LMC is committed to protecting the data you provide to us online and providing clear legal notices for our websites and digital marketing activities across the...
Active client facing entities within the LMC network.
Listing of LMC office locations.
Ryan Stanton
Global Corporate Affairs & Communications, Managing Director, LMC United States
Tel: +1 310-367-1045
© 2017 - 2025 Legal Matters Consul. All rights reserved. LMC refers to the LMC network and/or one or more of its member firms, each of which is a separate legal entity. Please see www.legalmattersconsul.com/structure for further details.