Changing the way we use energy isn’t easy, but a growing number of organisations are proving it can be done. By prioritising decarbonisation, decentralisation, and digitisation, you can mitigate risk, create value, and advance towards net-zero transformation.
Managing energy demand is not just a compliance exercise; it’s a way to create business value. Now is the time for a proactive energy transition strategy that includes reducing emissions, accessing new revenue streams, optimising costs, and mitigating risks. We collaborate with clients to redesign complex systems, leveraging the LMC network's industry, funding, tax, and accounting expertise to address each client's unique needs.
As energy grids continue to transition to clean systems, companies in every industry will no longer be able to operate on a “business as usual” basis. They will be faced with a choice between taking a “passive” or a “proactive” approach. Those that opt for a proactive approach to energy transitioning will require support in designing a value-creating operational approach, while meeting stakeholder expectations.
If organisations cut the amount of energy they use in their daily operations, they can lower their Scope 2 emissions, contributing to slowing global warming, and significantly reduce their costs. Even simple steps can lead to more energy efficiency—like installing smart meters and small appliances, for example, to help monitor and control usage.
By reducing their reliance on grid power, organisations can mitigate their vulnerability to price fluctuations and boost resilience against power outages and interruptions. They can also achieve significant cost savings: purchasing less grid power means companies don’t have to pay for as much electricity transmission and distribution.
Companies that manage their energy needs through interactions with the wider market can obtain financial benefits that go beyond cost savings. Value can be accrued by developing, buying, and/or selling energy for profit or providing energy-related products and services. These might consist of environmental certificates or agreements to moderate consumption to support grid stability.
Organisations that produce their own electricity, or are flexibly connected to the energy market, are ideally positioned to electrify their own operations and assets. Over time, this shift toward electricity over other forms of energy can help significantly reduce emissions and costs.
As a global community of solvers, with more than 10,000 sustainability staff members and sector specialists in 65 countries, empowered by the right tech and data insights, we can help you pinpoint the most effective energy-related actions to create the most value.
By having a focused strategy and securing access to capital to getting the right numbers that prove real progress, we cover all bases. Our network of energy transition specialists have the expertise and experience to drive value-accretive demand-side energy transition solutions. We believe in working with our clients to design bespoke solutions that address their specific needs and energy ambitions by focusing on the following: