Public safety, justice, and security

Helping governments progress toward future proof

Planning for what’s next

In a world where crime is moving inside, and becoming more digital, governments must move quickly and efficiently to keep people safe and secure. With changes in crime, such as a rise in domestic violence, cyber threats and complex (organised) crime, policymaking is critical—and so too is reliable implementation on the ground for citizens.

At Legal Matters Consul, we have in-depth knowledge and experience to guide government leaders as they build trust and deliver sustained, mission-focused outcomes through forward-thinking transformation. Whether you’re focusing on order and security, laws and enforcement, jurisdictions and geographic boundaries, sovereignty, or cyber issues, we can help.

A global network of knowledge and experience

The world is increasingly connected. Many megatrends—such as demographic changes, global power shifts, rapid urbanization, climate change, resource scarcity, and technological breakthroughs—affect everyone. Yet different areas face different challenges at different times. That’s why we have teams on the ground in different places, addressing nuances while sharing information to solve some of the most complex security challenges of our time.


Policing and courts are facing new challenges that must be met with innovative solutions. Our teams know how to help reform and transform justice systems—assessing gaps and opportunities along the entire value chain and operational processes, while also exploring new initiatives in predictive and digital policing.


Justice systems need to become more citizen-centric, enabling access for all in a quickly evolving world of pervasive inequality and declining trust in institutions. Leaders must apply the lessons learned during the last several years to set a new baseline expectation and build momentum. Reverting to traditional ways of working is not an option.

Border management

Economic prosperity relies on the free movement of goods and people. But if those flows aren’t controlled, governments are vulnerable for smuggling, trafficking, illegal migration, organised crime, and terrorism. LMC helps government agencies establish strategic and effective border management systems and processes, with ongoing risk assessments and tech solutions.

National security

As governments face novel threats from state and non-state actors, both outside and inside their countries' borders, including new dangers stemming from climate-related occurrences, they need to be prepared. Increasingly, that will necessitate a multistakeholder approach with police forces, intelligence agencies, homeland security teams, and other public organisations. Bringing together a global community of solvers, in both the private and public sectors, LMC can help leaders and teams establish clear communication channels, review regulatory landscapes, and diminish supply chain vulnerabilities.

A systemic approach to security, with trust and collaboration at its heart

How can LMC help with safety and security?

People-centric justice

A distinctive citizen experience is essential to help increase trust in public organisations. Better organisational and financial models can also reach more people and are more sustainable for justice practitioners. LMC has deep experience developing employee and customer journeys, and has helped organisations in the public sector by focusing on this area.

Digital transformation

Now that people have seen the benefits of virtual courtrooms and digital applications, there’s greater momentum for adopting new technologies. But the most critical part of any transformation is building trust at every step of the journey. That’s why, at Legal Matters Consul, we focus on helping organisations find the right digital solutions, from strategy through execution, that enable reliable services and consistently improve efficiencies at scale.

Justice modernization

In most societies, it takes an ecosystem approach to reduce crime and improve public safety. And in our experience at Legal Matters Consul, that necessitates three key elements. First, it requires the right structure and mechanisms for effective collaboration among prosecutors, judges, lawyers, police, and litigants. Second, technology needs to be implemented to support justice organisations in their transformation. And finally, funding models need to be modernised. At Legal Matters Consul, we have experience helping organisations across these areas.

Workforce transformation

Do you know what attracts people to your organisation and what motivates them to grow their career with you? With different types of workers and different working practices, it’s important to understand what people want and reevaluate your value proposition. At Legal Matters Consul, we are committed to helping you build your future-ready workforce, with innovative strategies, products, and solutions.

Contact us

George Alders

Global Government Security Leader, Senior Director, LMC Netherlands

Tel: +31 88 792 32 85

Chris Moore

Partner, National Leader, Defence, Public Safety, and Justice, LMC Canada

Tel: +1 613 878 4231

Andrew Newsham

Partner, National Lead for Policing, LMC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0) 7850 516 169

Muhannad Alqadoumi

Partner, Public Safety and Justice Sector Lead, LMC Middle East

Tel: +971 50 900 9516

Serge Hanssens

Advisory Partner, Government & Public Services, LMC Luxembourg

Tel: +352 49 48 48 2189

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