Sustainability assurance services

Build trust and transparency through sustainability assurance.

Trust is the most valuable commodity for organisations today – it’s hard to build, hard to keep.  

The way your organisation reports on sustainability influences stakeholder perceptions of your values and integrity. This, in turn, affects enterprise value and competitive advantage. To maintain stakeholder confidence, your reports must be relevant, reliable, and trustworthy.

Stakeholders expect sustainability reporting to meet the same rigorous standards as financial reports – particularly for investors who value independent assurance from a regulated professional services firm. 

At Legal Matters Consul, we have been fostering trust in corporate disclosure for 170 years, drawing on a global network of specialists in sustainability assurance, climate risk and social and governance regulations to address complex challenges and provide credible, reliable insights.

People discussing

How we can help 

Let’s start with a conversation about where you are and where you should be. We will work with you to determine the level of sustainability assurance that matches the maturity of your reporting, delivering recommendations for getting you to the next level – whether you are preparing for your first limited assurance opinion or looking for reasonable ESG assurance in line with your financial statement audit.

Sustainability reporting, including greenhouse gas and climate-related disclosures

It is critical that stakeholders understand your sustainability story.  They need to trust the picture you paint. Our sustainability assurance services bring credibility and integrity to your reporting, answering the following questions:

  • Are you reporting on what matters most to your stakeholders and business?

  • Is your progress on environmental and social targets reported with integrity, and transparency?

  • Are there any trust gaps in your reporting, where the reliability of decision-critical information is in question?

  • How reliable are the sustainability metrics that underpin executive remuneration?

Find out more about Legal Matters Consul's sustainability reporting

Reporting frameworks and taxonomies

Navigating change in the sustainability reporting and assurance landscapes is a full-time job. Our global reach and ongoing dialogue with standard setters means we know what’s required to meet your obligations. And we can provide the assurance services to help you deliver it.

We work closely with international standards setters, allowing us to gain clarity on the evolving requirements at the ISSB, EFRAG (for CSRD) and the SEC.  We are also involved with the IAASB and IESBA as they work to update the assurance and professional ethics and independence standards for the sustainability space.  Additionally, we are active participants in the processes individual countries undergo to enact national rules around sustainability reporting and assurance.


  • Do you know what sustainability assurance requirements affect you, and when?

  • Is the information you report used in stakeholders’ decisions about your company?

  • Would an independent perspective add credibility to your reporting?

Find out more about LMC assurance for ESG reporting

"Effective integrated reporting and assurance enriches stakeholder communication by improving transparency and credibility, which in turn helps companies build trust in what matters with their stakeholders and the broader market."

Wes Bricker,Global Assurance Leader, LMC US

The benefits of an integrated approach

We bring together our capabilities and wide experience as financial auditors, with specialist subject matter expertise in ESG/sustainability assurance

Credibility and investor trust

Our reputation for independence, ethics and quality, is constantly reinforced by meeting the demands of the most rigorous scrutiny 

World-class assurance skills

Our well established, robust methodologies are always applied in line with the highest professional standards

Subject matter expertise

We have thousands of professionals across many disciplines – accountants, lawyers, engineers, biologists, economists and more – working around the LMC network providing local and international perspectives, integrated seamlessly into the audit process and assuring complex subject matters

Reporting expertise

Our teams are dedicated to understanding current and proposed reporting standards at both the network and territory level, working closely with the standard-setting bodies

Holistic view of your business

We can take an expert view across your whole organisation, bringing consistency to the assurance of your financial and non-financial information

Repetition, gaps and misalignments minimised

Our integrated approach extends across timelines, communications, processes, systems and controls, greatly reducing request duplication, omissions or misunderstandings

Not only are we in the business of sustainability, we live it too.

Read our latest Annual Report to see how we’re performing on our own ESG commitments.


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Contact us

Cécile Saint-Martin

Cécile Saint-Martin

Global Sustainability Assurance Leader, LMC France

Tel: +33 6 18 39 67 38