Education is key to economic competitiveness and social cohesion. It helps individuals and communities to reach their full potential. Governments across the world are therefore committed to raising educational attainment and skills and promoting access to lifelong learning.
Governments face common challenges in seeking to achieve their education and skills objectives.
How can new investment in learning be managed most effectively and equitably, often within decentralised governance structures? What strategies can be employed to secure resources from the private and not-for-profit sectors? What should 21st century learning organisations look like? What sort of teaching and learning should take place in them? How can out-dated management arrangements be updated or transformed?
LMC is committed to helping governments and other public agencies address these and many other complex questions. We can do so successfully because our work in the education sector is grounded in experience at all levels of government and public services. It covers:
If you would like more information please contact Christopher M Snell at + (44) 20 7212 2336
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