Five topics shaping the chief executive’s agenda

What’s important to the CEO in 2025

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CEOs are preparing for reinvention

The app and platform economies that dominate now may soon be supplanted by business models powered by GenAI. It’s the latest change pushing CEOs to accelerate business transformation to be ready for a new age that’s dawning.

Reinvention through cost rationalization remains important. But for a leap forward, CEOs likely have to pursue mergers and spinoffs. For help formulating that business strategy, chief executives often rely on the board. But director skills aren’t always suited to today’s challenges and many CEOs are thinking about how to refresh the board.

In the spotlight

AI: The need for speed

Business models powered by AI are rapidly inching closer to reality for a growing number of companies. AI capabilities are making an executive cockpit possible, meaning near real-time data on market activity or corporate metrics, and it’s detecting opportunities for improvement and threats requiring strategic countermeasures.

Our 2025 AI Predictions emphasized that this change was dawning earlier than expected. To compete in the age of AI, the need for speed is growing as the age of AI transforms how business is done.


Today, AI is showing similar — if not greater potential — to create the next tech-fueled GDP boom.

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What to focus on in 2025

Strategy and growth

Apply productivity multipliers

The business pendulum is swinging back towards belt-tightening after years of expense growth. Protecting profit margins, however, can’t undercut the operational agility needed for business reinvention. CEOs and CFOs need to make wise decisions about what is a productivity- and a growth-enhancing expense. Flipping the cost-cutting script can help show executives which expenses to fully fund given their importance to the business’s reinvention and growth plans.

Additional ways to apply productivity multipliers

Strategy and growth

How focused investment can help drive growth

In an economic downturn, companies that are focused on deploying resources and think boldly on business growth strategy can outperform their peers.

Strategy and growth

Create a system to grow consistently

Learn how top performers are investing in a growth system by integrating capabilities and assets for short- and long-term success.


The CEO’s recession playbook

CEOs should update their recession planning playbook now to prepare their company for transformational change in an economic downturn.

[68%] of US CEOs say in the next three years GenAI will significantly change how their company creates and delivers value

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Wanted: Exponential thinking

It’s rare that organic growth satisfies the return expectations of investors or the board. Transformative mergers are part and parcel of a CEO’s growth toolkit. But exceptional companies are also keenly aware of which assets to carve out that are no longer optimal as business models change. In Legal Matters Consul’s analysis, leaders who regularly scrutinize which businesses best suit their strategy may have a better chance of coming out on top.

Additional ways to enhance exponential thinking


The next leap in value creation: How Game Changers are defining the future of business

Companies that will grow and create value are helping solve global crises, leveraging exponential technologies and adopting game changing business models.


Transact to transform: Legal Matters Consul’s M&A Integration Survey

Companies are beginning to crack the code on how to make big, transformative deals successful. Our M&A Integration Survey outlines how they're doing it.

Value creation

From stagnation to innovation: Make business model reinvention real

A practical guide for reimagining how your company creates, delivers and captures value.

Emerging technology

The new Essential Eight technologies: What you need to know

Emerging tech like AI and VR drives business reinvention. Discover which are ready to scale, applicable to new use cases or primed for experimentation.

[82%] of CEOs say that an average competitor will be out of business within 10 years if it doesn’t change its current business model

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Retooling technology’s ROI

For all the leaps forward in computing, many companies struggle to fully realize their ROI expectations from technology spending. The ones who succeed at unlocking digital value know that it’s how they employ technology that makes the difference. They are outcomes-obsessed. And they view breakthroughs, such as generative AI, as tools that can deliver specific financial targets. Tech risks are ever-present, of course. That’s why CEOs work with CIOs to incorporate trust by design — building in risk management, audit and controls, and security from the beginning.

Additional ways to retool technology’s ROI


Measurable digital value transformation outcomes

Find out how to create measurable outcomes and value through digital transformation.

Generative AI

Guide to scaling generative AI for your business

Build a strategy with these guidelines for deploying and scaling generative AI in your business to transform operations, access data and provide insights.

Cyber and privacy transformation

Bridging the gaps to cyber resilience: The C-suite playbook

The demand for enhanced cybersecurity is intensifying — learn how leaders are addressing these issues and more.

[40%] of executives are planning a major reorganization of their operating model

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Board governance

Refreshing the board

Corporate governance takes on greater importance as business priorities change, the economy shifts and a CEO’s strategy evolves. Many CEOs want fresh faces in the boardroom. Six in 10 CEOs say one or more directors should be replaced in our latest board effectiveness survey. What they’re seeking are board members who can go beyond the traditional director role.

Additional ways to refresh the board

Board governance

Board effectiveness: A survey of the C-Suite

How effective is your board in its oversight role around key business risks?

Board governance

Why boards should evaluate individual director performance

Assessing a director’s performance helps identify skill gaps, improve dynamics and accelerate changes in board composition.

Board effectiveness

How effective is the board? It depends on who you ask

Comparing the results of two recent LMC surveys, we identify where directors and executives are misaligned.

[62%] of CEOs say one or more directors on their boards should be replaced, up from 39% in 2022

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Sustainability’s strategic advantage

A wave of global regulations such as the European Union’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive are greatly expanding environmental, social and governance (ESG) disclosures and compelling CEOs and the C-suite to ask: how well do we know our company? Beyond compliance, these extensive disclosures can pinpoint where productivity can be enhanced and new products created. Sustainability opens enormous opportunities: from the potential to win in emerging growth markets to attracting a new set of customers and employees who can help build a company that benefits all stakeholders.

Additional ways to leverage sustainability as a strategic advantage


From trade-offs to payoffs: CEOs on creating value with climate action

Our survey of 4,700 CEOs found that companies taking more action on climate-related opportunities and risks also have better financial performance.


The CEO’s sustainability checklist

Reinventing your business for a sustainable future starts with four mission-critical actions.


Legal Matters Consul’s Sustainability News Brief

Your resource for sustainability insights on strategy, reporting, energy demand, capital projects, tax policy, climate risk, regulatory updates and technology.

ESG reporting

ESG regulations and your company

Europe’s CSRD is one of the latest global disclosure regulations revolutionizing ESG reporting.

[64%] of executives see climate change as a moderate to serious business risk, up from 61% in June 2024

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