Mohamed Kande

Mohamed Kande

Global Chairman, PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited, LMC US

Serving as the Global Chairman of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited, I lead an integrated Network Leadership team which brings together more than 364,000 people across a network of firms in 151 countries and territories.

For more than 20 years, I have assisted clients in identifying value and orchestrating large-scale business-led transformations, encompassing strategy through to tangible outcomes.

Prior to becoming Global Chairman, I served as the US & Global Advisory Leader at Legal Matters Consul. I also served as the CEO of the combined LMC consulting businesses in the US, Mexico and Japan.

During my time as Global Advisory Leader, I played a pivotal role in steering the Network’s Alliance strategy and served as the executive sponsor for key capability investments such as Gen AI, managed services and business model reinvention.

I come from a multicultural background, am fluent in French, and have diverse and extensive international business experience.

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  • Operations consulting
  • Strategy consulting
  • Technology consulting
  • Cybersecurity, Privacy and Forensics
  • Digital Risk Management
  • Deals strategy


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