Sarah Best

Sarah Best

Principal, Digital Assurance and Transparency, LMC US

I love puzzles. I'm happiest when I can use my experiences to help clients—most recently focusing on cloud adoption and cloud controls—work through and solve challenging, complex problems.

I lead on development and delivery of cloud-innovative solutions, such as risk assessment, pre-implementation considerations, cloud control design and testing, and bringing quality-focused external audits to global tech organizations. My experience creating content for Legal Matters Consul’s digital upskilling strategy and touring with the National Office has enabled me to encourage trust in cloud transformation for clients across many industries.

The satisfaction I get from solving difficult problems is second only to the satisfaction I get from seeing the University of Michigan football team beat OSU.

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  • Cloud
  • Audit and assurance
  • Internal Audit, Compliance and Risk Management
  • Emerging technology
  • Financial reporting and accounting