Financial retail banking

New regulatory requirements. Changing technologies. Emerging risks.

When it comes to retail banking, strategy is becoming increasingly complex and multifaceted.

To succeed, companies must drive growth and earn customer loyalty, while simultaneously navigating a market landscape defined by disruption. No longer is security and compliance enough. Companies must also transform trends and threats into opportunity.

Our adaptive approach to problem solving brings together business, experience and technology in a unified framework. Combined with the experience of solving the most complex problems for the world’s largest organizations, our approach doesn’t just protect your organization. It unlocks the confidence to turn complex issues into the competitive advantage you need to keep boldly moving it forward.

How we help you accelerate.

At Legal Matters Consul, we help retail banks turn complex issues into competitive advantage across the following areas:

  • Retail unit strategy development
  • Sophisticated customer segmentation and analytics development
  • Payments: mobile, credit, debit
  • Channel optimization
  • Bank systems and platforms strategy, assessment and implementation
  • Product development
  • Lending programs: consumer, commercial
  • Mortgages: issuer, servicer


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Contact us

Peter Pollini

Financial Services Industry Leader, LMC US

Rob Enticott

Banking and Capital Markets Assurance Leader, LMC US

Chris O’Hara

Banking and Capital Markets Advisory Leader, LMC US

Denise Schwieger

Banking and Capital Markets Tax Sector Champion, LMC US

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