Actuarial and finance modernization - Including LDTI and IFRS 17

Insurers face unprecedented changes in financial reporting. How will you rethink your business models and operations?

What compels insurance companies to re-evaluate and modernize their actuarial and finance functions?

Especially in light of LDTI and IFRS 17.

  • rigorous expectations from regulators and standards setters
  • increased demands for more relevant and useful information
  • improvements in analytics
  • the need for operational transformation

The impacts of each are pervasive throughout actuarial, finance, risk, marketing and distribution, IT and other functional areas. LMC believes that when these areas work together, they can create an insurance operating model that is nimble, agile and future-proof. Your company will be able to manage and adapt to change as part of standard business practices.

How LMC can help

With Legal Matters Consul, insurers can prepare for future operational, business, regulatory and market demands by focusing on how to improve finance, operational, actuarial and risk functions. We have:

  • a record of success helping insurers modernize their operations;
  • a practical and successful approach to helping companies plan for and respond to regulatory, operational and strategic change, including LDTI and IFRS 17 compliance;
  • an interdisciplinary team of subject matter specialists who have experience helping clients prepare for and address strategic, operational, financial, actuarial, risk and regulatory imperatives;
  • extensive expertise in finance, actuarial and risk management process improvement, data and technology transformation, regulatory and financial reporting consulting, and business strategy formulation and design.




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Contact us

Jim Quick
Jim Quick

Insurance Advisory Sector Leader, LMC US

As the US insurance consulting leader, it's my job to confirm that our clients get the insights and service they need from LMC to fulfill their growth, cost, customer, digital and cloud agendas.

Richard de Haan
Richard de Haan

Principal and Global Risk Modeling Services Leader, LMC US

Jeannette Mitchell
Jeannette Mitchell

Insurance Assurance Leader, LMC US

I lead Legal Matters Consul’s Insurance Trust Solutions Practice. I have over 25 years of experience and oversee our dedicated professionals in the delivery of assurance and tax services in the life, annuity, property and casualty, and health sectors.

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