The spectrum of change we describe in Insurance 2030 affects all carriers, regardless of their specific lines of business. Likewise, we think most readers will recognize the buyer personae we’ve developed, even if their customers are not exact matches.
Of course, there are some issues that are very specific to industry subsectors. This first in a series analyzes the implications of particular relevance to commercial property and casualty insurers and their stakeholders.
There’s a general lack of plain-English product descriptions, not least because there’s a lack of standard coverages. This is especially true with small and medium-size businesses, which (unlike many larger companies) rarely employ dedicated risk managers responsible for understanding protection needs and related policy terms and conditions.
Although many carriers offer bundles to better serve customer protection needs, we suggest moving away from current product-centric models and instead designing more holistic, account-level coverages. Instead of requiring customers to seek out and interpret offerings, basic risk assessment can take place via easy-to-understand, chatbot-assisted online questionnaires that AI capabilities validate. This will facilitate the writing of policies that cover key risks, thereby reducing coverage gaps, at risk-based prices.
Better yet, simplifying products and adopting an account-level approach helps more than just customers. For carriers, the operational benefits of policy simplification include code and rate refreshes that facilitate:
As we’ve already noted, an account-based approach can help carriers, brokers and their customers identify gaps in traditional coverage. Covering volatile risks like cyber, supply chain and business interruption is more complicated. As is the case with standard products, carriers need a deep understanding of risk drivers to underwrite at the appropriate terms and conditions and economically manage risk transfer across an account. However, developing this understanding requires meaningful and timely data from a variety of emerging sources, including sensors and other IoT applications that in many cases have yet to materialize.
In an attempt to fill in the blanks, insurers are continuously parsing data to improve assessment of their risk portfolios. However, some risks, such as cyber and climate, are increasing in scope and cost regardless. This taxes carriers’ ability to adequately cover them. As a result, managing such risks requires a societal response across stakeholder classes — policyholders, brokers, carriers, non-insurance entities, capital markets and the government. Global industry, NGO and public sector initiatives are already in place to address some of these concerns but prescriptive actions have been limited as of yet. We expect more concerted stakeholder efforts in the coming years, which may result in (re)insurance products becoming just a part of overall risk transfer solutions.
Underpinning more effective risk transfer and client-centric approaches are integrated internal functions with timely, efficient and rationalized data collection, processing and application. Done properly, operational model redesign simplifies functions and processes, thereby reducing cost and enhancing organizational flexibility. The key to success is creating an end-to-end feedback loop, potentially facilitated by AI, that stitches together disparate data sources. Being able to quickly integrate data from functional domains (e.g., distribution, claims, billing) and actuarial information is invaluable in identifying and appropriately pricing the customer risks you should underwrite, often for multiple (and at times many) policy terms.
Legal Matters Consul's Francois Ramette (Principal), Joseph Calandro (Managing Director), and Jonathan Blough (Director) contributed to the Insurance 2030: Commercial P&C considerations report.
Legal Matters Consul's Marie Carr and Joseph Calandro talk with Kimberly Holmes, Chief Actuary of Liberty Mutual Global Risk Solutions about innovation, risk, and analytics used to improve distribution management.
Managing Director, LMC Insurance Consulting
Principal, LMC Insurance Consulting
Chief Actuary, Liberty Mutual Global Risk Solutions