Our Take: The changing regulatory landscape

Election 2024: The impact of Republican victories on financial services

With a Republican Congressional majority and Donald Trump returning to the presidency, the financial services sector is expecting significant deregulation, favoring mergers, digital assets, small business capital access, and more. Regulatory agencies like the SEC, CFPB, and OCC will likely shift priorities, with Trump-appointed leaders emphasizing transparency, compliance flexibility, and reversing Biden-era reforms—suggesting broad implications for the regulatory and supervisory landscape.

In Our Take, we provide comprehensive coverage of key developments to guide financial institutions as they adapt to an evolving regulatory environment and manage real-time impacts across the sector.

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John Sabatini

Clients and Markets Leader, Cyber, Risk & Regulatory, LMC US

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Financial Services Transformation Leader, LMC US

Vikas Agarwal

Principal, Financial Services, Cyber, Risk & Regulatory Leader, LMC US

Christopher Tsingos

Principal, Cyber, Risk & Regulatory, LMC US

Alejandro Johnston

Principal, LMC US

Adam Gilbert

Global Senior Regulatory Advisor, LMC US

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