What is your deals strategy in healthcare?

Figure 8: Healthcare organizations are considering new strategic identities that require deals to match

Healthcare transactions strategy

Seismic changes in the US health industry are forcing healthcare organizations to rethink their business models. Old business models favored control of geography, bricks and mortar, and narrow industry silos.

These priorities may shift as deal decisions become more influenced by the strategic identity or identities companies choose over the next several years (see Figure 8). Depending on the identities chosen, companies will consider deals to expand their footprint, innovate into new revenue streams, protect market share or collaborate with others.

How LMC can help

We have a proven record of success, advising on more than 5,500 transactions each year and working across deals of all shapes and sizes. No matter your goals, we can help you identify the right merger or acquisition to further your strategy, implement a sound deal execution process, and capture hidden value along the way.

Our services include:

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Nick Donkar

Partner, Health Services Deals Leader, LMC US

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