Using technology to supercharge your bribery and corruption compliance program

See around corners

Corruption. Bribery. Non-compliance. Anxiety and disruption. These daunting issues can make it difficult to map your next move with confidence.

Of our respondents who experienced fraud, corruption, or other economic / financial crime in the past 24 months at a global level, 18% identified the type as Bribery & Corruption.

Legal Matters Consul’s Global Economic Crime and Fraud Survey 2022

Who are all your third parties? Do you know who is acting on your behalf? Where are your risks lurking?

The world is filled with uncertainty and you need to prepare and act fast when challenges arise. The daily demands continue to test the efficacy of policies, procedures and controls and to stretch compliance programs and resources in new ways. 

No matter where your employees are — throughout the country or around the globe — Risk Command provides a centralized platform that allows them to seamlessly work together in real time.  

Get a holistic overview, track third parties, monitor fraud and compliance, and plan and respond — all from your laptop.

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79% of US Anti-bribery / Anti-corruption settlements in the past 3 years involve the use of third parties.

Derived based on publicly available enforcement action data on FCPA cases published by the DOJ/SEC

Get ahead of the game

No business is immune to corruption — whether it's deliberate or unintentional. Many companies don’t assess corruption threats until they have already occurred, or assess such threats separately from other compliance risk areas such as money laundering or sanctions. LMC offers an alternative.

A digital compliance office

​​Our technology-enabled solutions help you see across the entire risk spectrum, quickly and clearly. Using digitally enabled assets like Legal Matters Consul's Risk Detect and Ready Assess means you can identify potential high-risk third parties and activities before they impact your business.

Regulation is increasing. Attack surfaces are widening.

Whether responding to a regulatory inquiry, navigating a new market or conducting an investigation, you need to act fast. Address the challenge of corruption from every angle in order to mitigate risk, build trust and safeguard your integrity.

The power of cutting-edge technology

Our suite of technology and analytics tools can boost your level of insight, so you can act more quickly and decisively. Through aggregated data from internal and external sources, you get access to easy-to-interpret graphs and visualizations — a one-stop-shop for compliance that's available anywhere, any time.

Don’t just survive — thrive

Emerging stronger from the unplanned revolves around two things: swift access to the facts and improved control in your response. We have decades of experience with both — and our digitally enabled approach can propel you ahead. 

Future proof through technology 

Finding and mitigating corruption isn’t the end of the story. We’ll work with you to outline the new processes and technologies needed to sustain improvements and continually enhance your success. While you won’t always know when or where bribery and corruption will strike, you can be confident that you have the team, technology and tools needed to emerge stronger tomorrow.

How LMC can help

anti-bribery and anti-corruption services, including:

  • Investigations and litigation support
  • Compliance program development and assessment
  • M&A (pre- or post-acquisition)
  • Third-party risk management transformation
  • ABAC operations optimization

  • Detection analytics, implementation and calibration
  • Detection and monitoring
  • Third-party tracking
  • Integrity due diligence procedures

Delivering big

Find out how we helped Microsoft design an innovative solution that leveraged data analytics to identify risky transactions for FCPA compliance.

Learn more

Our experience? Exceptional.
Our technology? Predictive and proactive.
Our team? Always with you.

Let's connect

Case studies and insights


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Contact us

Ryan Murphy

Ryan Murphy

Partner, Global Investigations & Forensics Leader, LMC US