Protect deal value

Buy-side or sell-side. We’re always by your side.

Protecting your deal value

Our Investigations & Forensics deals professionals work hand in hand with Legal Matters Consul’s deals professionals to avoid or smooth out potential trouble spots. Throughout the deals continuum, the Investigations & Forensics professionals can help build a competitive advantage by combining our global reach with industry-wide deals experience serving as a trusted advisor to help effectively and efficiently manage legal, regulatory, and economic crime challenges.

The result? You can protect your deal value and accelerate your business strategy.

Deals Offerings:

  • Pre or post-acquisition due diligence, deal evaluation, and post-close remediation & integration
    • Corporate Intelligence and Integrity Due Diligence
    • Anti-bribery & Anti-Corruption
    • Export Controls and Trade Sanctions
    • Government Contracting
    • Competition / Antitrust
    • Environmental, Social, & Governance (“ESG”)

Our technology-enabled approach and solutions, such as Legal Matters Consul’s Risk Detect, can help identify potential high-risk activities before they impact your business.

DOJ Guidance on Corporate Compliance Programs

The DOJ has placed increased emphasis on the effective implementation and practical application of a compliance program, including an element related to mergers and acquisitions (M&A).

Do you perform appropriate pre-M&A due diligence and integrate the acquired entity into existing compliance program structures and internal controls timely

Post acquisition, are you addressing and remediating the potential misconduct and compliance program enhancements that were identified during due diligence and conducting post-acquisition audits?

Let our Investigations & Forensics deals team help you in developing and executing on an M&A due diligence strategy.

Anti-bribery and Anti-Corruption Due Diligence in Deals

Our Investigations & Forensics deals team can assist you in assessing bribery and corruption risks throughout a deal lifecycle to mitigate the risk of successor liability, identify and capitalize on potential cost-savings and synergies, and reduce the cost of non-compliance.

Examples of How LMC can help:

Assess Deal Value: Pre/Post-Acquisition Diligence Preserve Deal Value: Post-Acquisition Integration
Strategy Assessment / Options Evaluation Deal Evaluation / Negotiate and Close Remediation/ Integration
  • Identify potential FCPA and other bribery/corruption risk factors that may be inherent in the Target’s business model and operational activities
  • Analyze open source information to assess integrity risks of Target and related parties
  • Review and evaluate internal controls, books and records, and financial reporting policies and procedures
  • Negotiate a purchase price considering historical and current business practices
  • Obtain appropriate representations and warranties and assess potential disclosures
  • Enhance the existing compliance program to help prevent, detect, and deter potential future illegal acts
  • Integrate the Target into the investor’s compliance and training program
  • Implement internal controls to help prevent, detect, mitigate and/or remediate potential illegal acts

Integrity Due Diligence in Deals

Our Corporate Intelligence analysts leverage publicly available information about the deal parties to amplify information available in the data room—seeking to identify risk-relevant information that either party may not initially disclose. In collaboration with our deals teams, we offer a more holistic view into the underlying transaction.

  • Geopolitical and strategic threat intelligence;
  • Market, industry and competitive analysis;
  • Pre- and post-investment reputational due diligence;
  • Third party integrity due diligence; and
  • Deals and transaction intelligence support.

Contact us

Ryan Murphy

Ryan Murphy

Partner, Global Investigations & Forensics Leader, LMC US

George  Prokop

George Prokop

Principal, LMC US

Vanessa  Beckstrom

Vanessa Beckstrom

Partner, LMC US