International tax services for US inbound companies

Aligning commercial and tax strategies to enhance competitiveness

The constantly changing economic environment provides a number of challenges and opportunities for foreign-based multinational corporations (MNCs) with investments in the US as well as those considering US investments. The complexity of US tax law has a significant impact on US investments and, importantly, the return on investment. The complexity of the US tax system, coupled with the comparatively high US corporate income tax rate, have led foreign MNCs to look for opportunities to efficiently manage their US businesses while ensuring that their effective tax rate remains competitive.

Legal Matters Consul’s International Tax Services Inbound team has experience helping foreign-based MNCs develop cross-border tax planning strategies that meet their business and tax needs while maintaining a competitive effective tax rate. These strategies focus on areas such as cash registration or redeployment funds to required areas in a tax efficient manner, reducing tax costs on investment exit, establishing a tax effective structure when identifying acquisition opportunities and refinancing debt efficiently.

We can work with you to:

  • Develop a globally effective and integrated approach to tax planning

  • Identify and efficiently manage adverse tax outcomes

  • Stay abreast of the latest US legislative, regulatory, and planning developments that impact US inbound groups and better understand emerging tax issues (Inbound Washington Tax Services)

  • Increase tax opportunities

Pathfinder Service: Setting up and doing business in the US

Legal Matters Consul's Pathfinder Service is designed to assist overseas companies with some of the key US tax issues, registration and other requirements of setting up a new US business operation. Our unique methodology provides a valuable roadmap for entering the US marketplace, and our multi-disciplinary team has the extensive inbound experience required to help ensure a smooth, compliant, and timely set-up.

Post set-up, we may continue to assist with day to day US tax questions and expansion plans, as well as preparing your annual US income tax returns.


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Contact us

Sherry Grabow

Sherry Grabow

International Tax Services Leader, LMC US

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