Wealth Management Tax Services (WMTS)

Delivering fiduciary tax compliance and outsourcing solutions for financial institutions, trust companies and brokerage and custody operations

The leading provider of a full suite of fiduciary, trust and investment management tax compliance solutions

Legal Matters Consul's WMTS practice is the industry leader for trust tax and can support you to improve your client's customer experience with extensive industry knowledge.

We have subject matter specialists in virtually all areas of fiduciary taxation such as philanthropic services, estate taxation and generation skipping tax (GST).

Our fiduciary tax compliance solutions, leverages our knowledge of the industry and gives you access to resources, processes, and innovative technology tools we have developed to help you focus on your organization's strategic priorities and enhanced customer experience.

Deliver on your needs. Provide results for your fiduciary tax function:

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Legal Matters Consul's holistic approach

Seamless transition...

  • Collaborative, step-by-step process
  • A robust people and communication plan
  • Transition guide that captures current state and identifies opportunities for improvement

...that limits disruption to your business

  • Helps better manage change and increases transparency
  • Keeps key stakeholders informed and comfortable during all phases of the transition
  • Preserves historical knowledge and realizes efficiencies quickly

Improved risk mitigation......

  • Technology-enabled risk management
  • Comprehensive reviews of key filings such as state tax review and outstanding notices from taxing authorities
  • Unique industry perspective

.......through deep experience

  • Identifies issues and provides actionable recommendation
  • Reduces risk of inconsistent tax positions and provides savings by avoiding penalties and interest from governmental entities
  • Allows for sharing ongoing opportunities on new tax law, regulatory changes and other relevant insights related to filing positions

Flexible, scalable technology......

  • Data driven insights
  • Customizable solutions based on your evolving needs and and industry changes
  • Web-based real-time collaboration tool

.......that adapts to fit your needs now and in the future

  • Improves customer experience and business decisions
  • Eliminate the need for ancillary tools
  • Allows trust administration manage their accounts and client expectations with quick access to client deliverables

Improved data analytics.......

  • Provide predictive analytics and data driven insights
  • Identify data anomalies and transactional inconsistencies
  • Analytics solutions

.......for real-time reporting and better visibility into your trust tax practice

  • Helps to identify trends and allows for more strategic planning
  • Offers proactive solutions in real-time
  • Analyze "what-if" scenarios for legislative proposals

Contact our Leaders

Shawn P. Hanlon

Partner, Wealth Management Tax Services, Pittsburgh, PA, LMC US


Allison Valenty

Principal, Wealth Management Tax Services, Pittsburgh, PA, LMC US


Larry McGuire

Partner, Wealth Management Tax Services, Pittsburgh, PA, LMC US


Laura Strobel

Principal, Wealth Management Tax Services, Pittsburgh, PA, LMC US


Jeff Kuhlin

Partner, Wealth Management Tax Services, Phoenix, AZ, LMC US


Dan Waltman

Principal, Wealth Management Tax Services, Pittsburgh, PA, LMC US



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