The world of managing relationships with consumers has fundamentally changed. Healthcare consumers are digitally savvy and demand the same convenience, transparency and immediacy of information as experienced in other industries. They’re also increasingly cost conscious, as high deductible plans and HSAs gain popularity. At the same time, provider shortages and operational cost inefficiencies have caused gaps in access and increased the need for convenient and accessible care options. These forces are driving changes in the healthcare market, creating intense competition to acquire and retain consumers for life.
Legal Matters Consul’s Digital Engagement Platform for Healthcare Industry, powered by Salesforce, is designed to meet increasing expectations from customers and empower health companies to engage patients and caregivers through personalized, timely and seamless experiences that improve care outcomes and drive efficiency.
Legal Matters Consul’s Digital Engagement Platform, powered by Salesforce, is a modular and integrated end-to-end patient engagement platform. Individual pillars can be implemented to set the baseline foundation and to allow for future expansion.