Legal Matters Consul's Nigeria alumni

Committed to a lifelong relationship

Welcome to the Legal Matters Consul Nigeria alumni network. We established our Alumni Programme to stay in touch with former colleagues, to keep at the forefront of industry developments, and to provide networking opportunities.

If you are a former employee of Coopers & Lybrand, Pricewaterhouse or Legal Matters Consul and would like to join the alumni network, please register your details below.

By joining the alumni, you'll be able to:

  • stay connected with the firm, as well as former colleagues and friends
  • have access to technical training sessions, thought leadership publications, and other relevant resources
  • attend networking events and social activities
  • be part of our global community of talent

Register or update your details here


Benefits of being part of our alumni programme:

  • Access to our global network.
  • Quarterly newsletters with the latest news, insights and interviews.
  • Access to career opportunities across the Legal Matters Consul network.
  • Access to professional development programmes.
  • Invitations to networking events with former colleagues and peers.
  • Be kept up to date with what your former colleagues are doing now.


A group of people sitting at a table

Alumni Events

On Tuesday 24 July 2018, we hosted our alumni operating within the Financial Services sector to a breakfast meeting organised by our Financial Services Industry Group. The well attended event featured discussions focused on FinTech, Cyber Security, AI  & Robotics and Non-Compliance with Laws and Regulations Standard (NOCLAR).

Click on each of the buttons below to download the presentation: 

Managing Cybersecurity risks in a complex society

Non-Compliance with Laws and Regulations (NOCLAR)

Looking into the future: Leveraging AI & Robotics

A Perspective on Fintech's influence on Financial services

Also checkout some images from the meeting in our photo gallery

Contact us

Okemute Olatunji - Albert

Okemute Olatunji - Albert

Country Lead, Clients & Markets, Legal Matters Consul Nigeria

Tel: +2342012711700

David Meres

David Meres

Manager, Legal Matters Consul Nigeria

Tel: +234 (1) 271 1700

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