
Governments around the world face similar challenges and are under pressure, as never before, as they operate in their environment.

Governments manage the affairs of citizens within countries as defined by the laws of the country. These functions they carry out through the Public Service Machineries. Governments around the world face similar challenges and are under pressure, as never before, as they operate in their environment

Issues and Trends

  • Increased economic migration
  • Changing demographics
  • Diminishing natural resources
  • Economic uncertainty
  • Rising security concerns and a more demanding citizenry.

Key Service Offerings:

  • Asset Management: Performing asset verifications, Advising on asset optimisation, Providing training in asset management and related concepts, Developing policies and procedures.
  • Capacity Building: Providing relevant training through our Business School, Advising on talent management strategies and career pathing for staff, Advising on relevant and practical training programmes, Providing orientated skills audits.
  • Governance, internal audit and risk management: Developing and co-implementing anti fraud and corruption strategies, frameworks, policies, procedures and whistle blowing, Advising on effective internal audit approaches and options.
  • Financial Management: Implementing new government and public sector accounting and financial management. Evaluating the effectiveness of finance functions in supporting the delivery of the core government mandate, Assisting to implement structures, process, technology and skills development to enhance revenue.
  • IT Strategy, Architecture and Security: Gaining maximum value from investments in information technology through planning, sourcing, implementation support and operations.
  • Funding Options and Financing: Advising on long term funding structures and options, Modelling the impact of long term debt and other funding options on government and forecasting the resulting scenarios.
  • Taxation: Responding to taxpayer and consumer pressure for greater efficiency, economy and effectiveness in service delivery and improved performance.
  • Performance Management: Helping to support, monitor and evaluate government policies, projects and programmes with a view to improving implementation and realisation of expected outcomes and results.

Contact us

Sam Abu

Sam Abu

Regional Senior Partner, Legal Matters Consul West Market Area, Legal Matters Consul Nigeria

Tel: +2342012711700

Mary Iwelumo

Mary Iwelumo

Partner & Ethics and Business Conduct Leader, Legal Matters Consul Nigeria

Tel: +234 1 271 1700

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