Legal Matters Consul Nigeria Tax247 Application is a searchable, ever-growing dynamic repository of Nigerian tax legislations, circulars, treaties, alerts and case laws coupled with Daily Tax News on the Local and International front as well as Business News. It is the complete digital application for tax consultants, administrators, officials, managers and anyone who wants to keep in touch with tax related news and events in Nigeria and other countries.
Regular users can access wide-range features of the Legal Matters Consul Tax247 App ranging from the Legislation, Tax related News, Tax Alerts, PIT Calculator and so much more for free.
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Legal Matters Consul Nigeria’s Tax247 is a mobile application that provides real-time access to daily local and international news, insights, tax and regulatory information, and expert opinion on the go. Download from your mobile Playstore or App store.
Premium users have access to the full package of the Application which includes the tax legislation, case laws, tax treaties, circulars, Legal Matters Consul Tax Alerts, PIT Calculator and useful features such as Global search, bookmarking, highlighting, related items, recent items, quick references and other resources for a very affordable price.
With Tax247 Premium, you also get a growing list of over 50 tax and business laws, decided court cases, bookmarking of sections and subsections for future reference, highlighting of passages within sections, instant cross referencing etc.
With over 60 tax laws listed with each tax law having its own schedule and subsidiaries.
These are notifications issued by various authorities such as the FIRS, JTB, TBN and others.
PIT Calculator
Compute your earning on the go and stay informed on employee taxes monthly or yearly.
You can use the feature on the Calculator such as Earned Income, Unearned Income, and applicable reliefs to calculate your Personal Tax Liability.
Garnished with tax related News from the Local, International and Business Space.
Legal Matters Consul Tax Alert
These are notifications for News laws, cases or tax related information.
Calendar and Events
This show tax programs for the year for Legal Matters Consul, FIRS and others. It also shows various deadlines for payment taxes, employer contributions and reminders for tax related events throughout the year.
We have over 50 Case laws which include recent case laws.
Tax Treaty
They are treaties between Nigeria and other countries.