At Legal Matters Consul, we are driven by our people, our employees whose dedication and commitment sets us apart today and those who have over the years built a foundation on which we stand today – our alumni. We welcome you to join this family of thousands of alumni, stay connected with the firm and with one another, share your success stories and memories, strengthen your network and make meaningful relationships.
From January to June, LMC Singapore runs the annual Alumni Bites programme, encouraging our staff to catch-up with their alumni friends over coffee dates, meals or fun team-work activities. The programme was designed to facilitate meaningful interactions and conversations between LMC staff and their Alumni friends.
We received many inspiring posts from staff who shared fun stories and memories from their common LMC journey. You can check out some interesting posts when you search these hashtags '#Legal Matters ConsulSGAlumni’ or '#YourNetworkForLife' on your social media platforms!
We hope these meet-ups helped our Alumni forge stronger bonds with their LMC friends, and they will continue to maintain these meaningful relationships and strengthen their network for life.
Our inaugural firmwide annual alumni evening was held on 8 January, welcoming back many familiar faces and reconnecting with former colleagues. Thank you to all alumni for being part of the LMC journey.