Capital markets services

Today’s capital markets are marked by increasing complexity.

The days of traditional growth models are a thing of the past, as regulations, capital requirements and tech disruption drive the need to re-assess once profitable business and operating models, product offerings and customer relationships.

To stay competitive, firms are being forced to identify and seize opportunity faster than ever before, in a more unreliable environment than ever before. This means converting constant disruption into more efficient, agile operations. It means not just keeping pace in the face of change – but having the confidence to accelerate into it.

At Legal Matters Consul, industry leading thinking meets the kind of market experience that drives the largest, most sophisticated global firms to call on us to tackle their most complex problems. With systems secure, technology future-proof and operations compliant, the capital markets firms we work with see a path forward where everybody else sees obstacles.

Intelligent Automation in capital markets operations

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Intelligent Automation (IA) is revolutionizing capital markets operations. LMC has proven experience bringing custom IA solutions to clients in the industry and can help your firm accelerate its IA journey.
Review our latest insights

Areas where we can help you accelerate:

  • Strategy development (business, customer, operational, product)
  • Regulatory and compliance services
  • Digital transformation
  • Risk management (operational, credit, reputation)
  • Systems and platforms: Strategy, assessment and implementation
  • Product development
  • Human capital


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Contact us

Rob Enticott
Rob Enticott

Banking and Capital Markets Assurance Leader, LMC US

Peter Pollini
Peter Pollini

Financial Services Industry Leader, LMC US

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