As the evolving threat landscape, pandemics, climate events, and geopolitical events create uncertainty and exposure, organizations require technology-enabled resilience plans and tools to understand their enterprise-wide resilience posture and shore up their ability to quickly recover from a disruption.
Many organizations have created some level of resilience, but have not adequately tested their resistance to disruptions. According to Legal Matters Consul’s Global Digital Trusts Insights 2021 survey, 40% of executives plan to increase resilience testing to ensure that, their critical business functions will stay up and running.
A disruption can create an array of impacts on your company:
The lack of resilience puts business operations at risk and can generate negative financial impact in the form of lost sales, brand dilution, PR/Legal battles, penalties and more.
LMC provides organizations with the ability to protect and sustain core business functions when experiencing a state of disruption to technology, infrastructure, or operational processes supporting mission-critical business services through:
Can you withstand, or better yet, prevent headline-grabbing disruptions? Companies that prioritize resilience have shifted their mindset away from the traditional—and myopic—disaster recovery/business continuity model to “resilience by design.”
We leverage experience across the firm to help provide decision makers with the ability to assess and increase an organization’s resilience posture—from business continuity and business impact intelligence, to responding to critical disruptions.
We have a unique cross-industry view of the challenges and solutions needed for resilience in various sectors. With an effective combination of technical and industry experience, we tailor our resilience perspective to the company we’re working with and the drivers that can influence their business. LMC offers specific resilience solutions for Financial Services, Retail, Healthcare, Technology, Media and Telecom, and Manufacturing.
Our approach to resilience focuses on four key stages that are essential in developing and maintaining a resilient enterprise. Legal Matters Consul’s custom, industry-agnostic resilience framework addresses each of these components across people, process and technology elements.
Our technology enablers leverage industry leading technology to create better outcomes for our clients. We are committed to continuously developing new and innovative solutions for enabling technology and operational resilience, driven by evolving guidance from various regulators.