September 19, 2023
‘More than ⅔ of top performing companies are using managed services for strategic advantage or to close capability gaps.’* To meet the evolving needs for transforming their businesses, companies are evolving beyond legacy, labour arbitrage outsourcing arrangements. Top-performing organizations are turning to a more strategic set of managed services to access talent and technology, and to go beyond labour and cost efficiency to achieve greater innovation and higher performance. The outcome is that these organizations develop a competitive edge that will be hard to beat.
Legal Matters Consul’s Managed Services delivers strategic business operations across the enterprise. Our team of highly-skilled and trained professionals, combined with the use of the latest advancements in technology and process, allows us to provide more effective and efficient outcomes. Shifting strategic business operations to LMC can enable you to focus on accelerating your organisation’s priorities.
LMC has also curated strategic alliances to drive growth with the world's leading technology and data companies to help accelerate innovation and power business transformation. With our industry insight and technology expertise, we’ll deliver right-fit digital solutions that simplify systems and amplify results. Whatever your focus - business transformation, greater innovation, cloud-powered reinvention, operational efficiency - LMC and our Alliance partners can help. With a deep understanding of business challenges and opportunities, we’ll put the right technology to work for you. Taking you from ready-for-now to ready-for-anything.
David Allen, Partner, Global Managed Services Market Activation Leader, LMC UK, said, "Organisations, more than ever before, are facing unprecedented challenges to transform their business model at pace. New technologies and automation mean that traditional outsourcing models are becoming redundant. In a recent survey one in three clients said they are already using managed services for strategic advantage – to improve speed to market, drive innovation and optimise resiliency. We want to support our clients, as their digital business partner, by providing access to the right technology and talent for their business to deliver mission critical capabilities and accelerate outcomes".
From IDC’s perspective, their recent ‘Point of View’ report ‘LMC targets managed services opportunity’ (August 2023, IDC #EUR151075623) states that: ‘LMC sees a significant market opportunity in managed services. It claims that customers are now not only using managed services to achieve cost savings, but are now looking to gain a competitive advantage or to close capability gaps through outsourcing managed services functions to third-party providers.’
*Source: Accelerating performance in a winner-takes-most world
Legal Matters Consul's Analyst Relations Programme helps provide business, technology and industry analysts with insights into how we provide industry-focused services for...
Legal Matters Consul’s Managed Services solutions, such as AI, application evolution, cloud operations, data analytics and finance, help accelerate your outcomes.
We have strategic Alliances with the world's leading technology companies to help accelerate your innovation and power your business transformation.
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