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Joyita Mukherjee: The way that LMC India has responded to the Solvers Challenge is something that makes it exemplary.
Promit Choudhury: The Solvers Challenge was a coming together of all the network territories of Legal Matters Consul. The best ideas across each of these four teams were recognised and leveraged by our colleagues across the firm.
Niyati Mehra: Solvers Challenge for me is harnessing the power of collective thinking to solve problems
Joyita Mukherjee: I think that the human led tech powered approach that the firm has is at core of the Solvers Challenge. It’s about LMC enabling its clients across the world to make realities that have never been done before.
Chelsea Saldanha: The beauty of India challenge was everyone wanted to participate.
Promit Choudhury: India went all out. We really marketed the Solvers Challenge across every available communications channel.
Chelsea Saldanha: The network has never seen such a big participation.
Jayant Chandra: We took a very conscious call to get the right set of people with the right mindset to actually lead the Solvers Challenge for us. We have people from change management team, we have people from marketing and comms teams. We have people from the business. And we have people from the core transformation team to come together and think about how we can actually scale it up to greater heights.
Chelsea Saldanha: We wanted to build that culture of reward and recognising people who were doing things out of their comfort zone, who are solving important problems for their clients. We looked at video messages, we looked at rebranding our intranet to focus on the Solvers Challenge. We looked at email communications, our newsletters that go out to different teams. We had our leaders sharing information about the challenge.
Jayant Chandra: LMC India launched a digital product store where we house some of our flagship products that can be taken to clients. Products that are there on the store are built by some of the innovative minds in LMC India, and those minds belong to a community of solvers which we are focusing on through the Solvers Challenge.
And now our job is actually starting - is not just the Solvers Challenge getting over - it's about working with the teams on some of the innovative ideas also to make them a solution and make them market ready.
Chelsea Saldanha: We wanted to bring the glory and trophy home … and we did it.
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