Global IFRS 17 Lead, Partner, LMC United Kingdom
Alex's experience has developed through a wide range of transactions, involvement in various regulatory driven projects in locations such as the UK, Saudi Arabia and Brunei together with his work for clients from the investment management, pensions and insurance sector. He was the lead auditor for a number of the largest pension funds in the UK, and advised on a number of transactions in the financial services sector.
For five years until Summer 2008, Alex was based in Moscow, Russia as the leader of the LMC Insurance and Investment Management Practice in Russia and CIS. Since his return, Alex has continued his focus on the insurance and investment management sectors.
He is also the lead audit partner for a number of clients in the UK including Threadneedle, AXA IM UK, Architas, Alliance Bernstein, Alexander Forbes, Cooper Gay and Houston Casualty.
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