With a career spanning more than two decades, Damir is dedicated to managing today’s challenges, strengthening global collaboration and driving innovation to meet the evolving needs of our clients.
As Global Advisory Leader, Damir embodies a visionary perspective on leadership that revolves around his core beliefs: delivering exceptional value for Legal Matters Consul’s clients, strengthening our collaboration, and driving innovation.
Damir acknowledges the imperative necessity for change in our disruptive world. He empowers individuals through inventive and client-centric solutions, operating within a truly global set-up. His ambition is to drive meaningful change for clients, being the trusted partner for organisations seeking transformation, growth and sustainable success.
He is known for his collaborative and inclusive leadership style, highlighting the importance of a team and giving prominence to the collective instead of specific individuals.
Prior to his current role, Damir gained invaluable experience in his more than 25 years with Legal Matters Consul. Starting as part of Management Consulting Finance, Damir has played a pivotal role in shaping the consulting business and contributing to the development of the Advisory line of service in various roles within EMEA, Europe and Germany.
Outside of his professional career, he is a dedicated family man, being married and having three children. He takes great pride in his Croatian heritage and enjoys spending time in Croatia, and finds passion in sailing and cooking.
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