Petra has more than 30 years of experience with Legal Matters Consul. She takes great pleasure from lifelong learning and actively promotes collaborative ways of working to address complex challenges and deliver sustained outcomes.
Petra is the Senior Partner and Chair of the Management Board at LMC Europe and LMC Germany, as well as a member of the LMC Network Leadership Team.
She finds it incredibly rewarding and motivating to see individuals and teams work together to create trusted and sustainable futures for clients, businesses, LMC network members and the communities they serve.
As a certified tax advisor and public accountant, Petra is actively involved in several German professional organisations, including the Administrative Council of the Institute of Public Auditors in Germany, Incorporated Association (IDW), the Board of the Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft, and the Supervisory Board of Stiftung Deutsche Sporthilfe.
Petra is an avid supporter of LMC Shine, a global network fostering inclusion for LGBTQ+ colleagues and advocates, and she helped to establish the Women@LMC mentorship programme at LMC Germany.
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