Partner, LMC United Kingdom
Tom is an impact measurement specialist who leads Legal Matters Consul’s work related to its Total Impact Measurement & Management (TIMM) framework, which allows organisations to measure and value the social, environmental, economic and fiscal impacts resulting from their operations, as well as their extended value chains.
Tom has a keen interest in helping companies develop management information which creates the insight and credibility needed for sustainable business growth. He has more than 15 years' experience, leading and advising both public and private sector organisations develop more sustainable businesses.
He currently leads TIMM projects with a variety of multinational clients from different sectors to help them manage trade-offs in decision making, drive innovation, identify risk and opportunity in their supply chains, and communicate with greater simplicity and credibility.
He supported PUMA develop the world’s first Environmental P&L (E P&L) and the Kering Group (including brands such as Gucci, Bottega Veneta and Stella McCartney) publish its Group EP&Ls and is working with Natura to develop its triple bottom line management system.
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