Legal Matters Consul’s global virtual series showcases how Financial Services leaders are looking beyond COVID-19, understanding the scope of changes underway, and being bold in responding to them. Although COVID-19 presents significant challenges for the future, other fundamental factors are shaping financial institutions significantly. Our virtual series will explore what leadership teams need to understand, to secure their tomorrow, today.
Join us to hear insights from our leaders from across the globe, learn new experiences worth considering and explore topics relevant to the future of financial services organisations, such as productivity, the future of work, the deals environment, customer experience and more.
Please register below and add the series to your calendar. We look forward to seeing you there!
Sending a text to pay for a bus ticket in Turkey, using a QR code to pay for groceries in China, or tapping a sales terminal with a mobile phone in the US. The shift to real-time payments is increasing rapidly and the entire infrastructure of payments is being reshaped, with new business models emerging.
Join a panel of LMC experts and Payment industry executives for a 90 minute virtual session on Tuesday, 14 December at 10:00 AM EST and hear the latest news on how the financial services industry is undergoing significant transformation with digitisation and electronic payments at the epicentre of this change.
Watch our recent discussion of how the announcements made by the G7, OECD Inclusive Framework and G20 will shape the global tax policy landscape and impact the financial services industry in the coming years.
For an ever-decreasing number of businesses, financial return remains the top priority. For others, whether driven by investor demand, regulation or the desire to enhance societal value, there is now an expectation that organisations make environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues and sustainability integral to their corporate strategy, philosophy and reporting. Where does your business lie on the spectrum ?
Sustainable productivity improvement is imperative for the financial services industry, but it will be challenging without a strategy and set of goals that allow for their measurement and management.
As you think about the future, having a structured way to think about your organisation, operating platform and overall business can help secure your tomorrow, today. Join our panel who will take you through the seven macro trends shaping financial services institutions and a framework to repair, rethink, reconfigure and report your results.