Cybersecurity comes of age

Global Digital Trust Insights 2021

digital insight report 2021
  • Insight
  • 5 minute read
  • October 05, 2020

Our findings from the Global Digital Trust Insights 2021 (Global DTI 2021) survey of 3,249 business and technology executives around the world tell us what’s changing and what’s next in cybersecurity. Decades after emerging from under IT’s wing, the cybersecurity profession has matured. Armed with the insight and foresight that only experience and wisdom can provide, cyber stands at a critical, pivotal, exciting time for the industry and the organisations and people it serves.

Key takeaways

Sean Joyce, Global leader for Cyber, Privacy and Forensics, shares his perspectives on the key findings from the survey, with Kristen Maynes, principal in the US practice.

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Sean Joyce

Sean Joyce

Partner, Global Cybersecurity and Privacy Leader, Risk Services leader, LMC United States
