by Volker Fitzner, Jürgen Peterseim, Sven Teske and Maartje Feenstra
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The chemicals industry is instrumental in nearly every part of our modern daily lives. Spanning such diverse sectors as cosmetics, fertilisers, pharmaceuticals and plastics, chemicals are used to manufacture some 70,000 products. The vast majority of chemicals produced today rely on fossil fuels as an energy source or a feedstock. As a result, defossilising1 the chemicals industry will be one of the biggest factors in helping the world achieve the goals of the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change and meet global net-zero targets. Currently, among all industries, chemicals is the second-highest emitter of CO2. (Steel is the highest.) And according to the One Earth Climate Model (OECM) developed by the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), aligning with the Paris Agreement goals would leave the chemicals sector a remaining carbon budget for energy-related emissions of 19.6 gigatonnes between 2020 and 2050.
Taking action now to radically reduce the sector’s CO2 footprint can make a big difference in helping the world reach its net-zero goals. According to new research funded by LMC Germany and conducted by UTS’s Institute for Sustainable Futures, the chemicals industry’s global emissions can be reduced significantly by undertaking rapid investment in, and development of, low- and zero-carbon production. Our research focused on the seven major base chemicals that account for 74% of the energy used in the chemicals industry (excluding electrical energy) and on the G20 markets, which account for 97% of all energy-related chemicals industry emissions. Those seven chemicals are methanol, ammonia, benzene, toluene and xylene (the last three are known as the BTX aromatics), as well as ethylene and propylene (known as light olefins). In this report, we outline concrete pathways for the defossilisation of these seven dominant chemicals, including the emissions reductions that could result and the investments that will be required. Future extensions of this research will include emissions abatement curves and examples, and regional breakdowns of the pathways. As our study shows, the task will be capital intensive, but it offers significant and promising returns.
In recent decades, the chemicals industry has expanded considerably, fuelled by a growing and increasingly affluent global population—notably in emerging economies. Global development has led to an increase in demand for agricultural fertilisers, key components for the automotive industry, and a wide range of other consumer products and household goods including detergents, plastic bottles, and packaging and adhesives.
Reliance on the seven base chemicals mentioned above that make up the chemical building blocks for the majority of these products is also growing. Through 2050, the expected production volumes of these seven key chemicals are projected to rise nearly 70% from 2020 levels, from 740 million tonnes to 1.255 billion tonnes. This growth rate is not compatible with the preferred 1.5°C global warming scenario outlined in the Paris Agreement, even if the chemicals industry is able to dramatically cut emissions. Growth in overall production will have to slow down, which means reducing demand through circularity best practices, reducing plastic consumption and increasing the lifetime of products.
Even with efficiency gains, however, the amount of energy required to produce the seven key chemicals will rise 81% between 2020 and 2050. At present, approximately 95% of feedstocks in the chemicals industry come from fossil fuels, and roughly 74% of the heat and feedstock energy used by the chemicals sector goes towards producing the seven base chemicals. And in the period between 2020 and 2050, the annual emissions associated with the production of those chemicals will have to fall 85% from 2020 levels, with energy-related emissions going to zero.
Defossilisation will inspire a significant transformation in the global chemicals industry—but it’s one that’s already started. As the charts below show, inputs and feedstocks will have to evolve from fossil fuels to low- or zero-carbon sources like biomass and green molecules.2 In turn, new technologies will be required to deploy these feedstocks and to ensure that carbon emitted in the processing of chemicals is limited.
As the above chart shows, there is a high degree of interconnectivity within the processing of chemicals. Olefins and aromatics are based on the same chemical intermediate feedstocks (ethane, propane and naphtha), whereas methanol and ammonia, for the most part, are derived from natural gas. In our modelling, one of the newer intermediate feedstocks, green hydrogen, has particularly great potential to become a platform, as it can be used to produce a wide range of chemicals. We also project that the CO2 obtained from renewable sources will become a necessary commodity, required to defossilise non-energy uses in the chemicals production process. And the industry will need to adopt best practices such as recycling and circularity, new technologies such as renewable energy for heat and electricity, and renewable feedstocks to replace fossil fuel feedstocks.
The chemicals industry faces a unique challenge, because it’s doubly reliant on fossil fuels. At the beginning of many chemical processes, the industry depends on the use of fossil fuel–based feedstocks, such as crude oil, naphtha or natural gas, that are converted into base chemicals. These base chemicals enable the production of the end-use products such as plastics, solvents, fertilisers and pharmaceuticals that all of society relies on. But the industry is also reliant on fossil fuel energy to produce high-temperature heat and electricity, which are required to drive chemical processes. The associated emissions are significant, as 52% of the chemicals industry’s total CO2 emissions are related to the production of the seven chemicals covered in this study.
To successfully defossilise the chemicals industry, its total CO2 emissions—both energy-related and non-energy-related—must be addressed.
And to understand the pathways necessary to defossilise the seven major base chemicals, we first need to assess the three principal energy requirements of the chemicals industry processes.
As the chart below shows, individual chemicals present different energy profiles based on the types of processes that are involved in producing them. Ethylene and propylene require proportionally greater amounts of energy for heating processes, for example, whereas ammonia and methanol require proportionally greater amounts of non-energy use in the form of feedstocks that are significant CO2 emitters. Non-energy use, however, is not a predictor of non-energy CO2 emissions, because emissions originate from the corresponding chemistry involved. In all seven of the key chemicals under consideration, electricity provides a negligible amount of energy.
Defossilising the chemicals industry can be achieved through investment in three essential infrastructure pillars:
As part of our study, we estimated the bands of investments required to defossilise the seven chemicals. Our analysis focused on the first two components of this effort, site infrastructure and heat supply. The upshot: the chemicals industry will require cumulative investment in its net-zero transformation of between US$440 billion and US$1 trillion through 2040, and between US$1.5 trillion and US$3.3 trillion through 2050. For comparison, global capital spending in 2022 in the chemicals industry was €267 billion (US$290 billion at the time of publication), according to the European Chemical Industry Council. These investments would not only bring environmental benefits; they could also be a significant driver for continuous growth and employment around the world.
The mechanisms of defossilisation differ for each of the seven chemicals. For ammonia, net zero can be achieved primarily through renewable hydrogen, as it is the main abatement option. Because 90% of the cost of ammonia production comes from the hydrogen inputs, our investment analysis considers the investment required for the generation of renewable electricity and subsequently renewable hydrogen. Our pathway for ammonia defossilisation will require a total cumulative investment of between US$200 billion and US$970 billion.
Renewable methanol will require investment in new production sites for the biomethanol and e-methanol routes. The former uses biomass feedstocks, including forestry and agricultural waste, and by-products, such as biogas from landfills, sewage and municipal solid waste (MSW). E-methanol uses renewable hydrogen, as in the case of ammonia. Our pathway for methanol defossilisation will require a total cumulative investment of US$150 billion to US$440 billion.
The olefins (ethylene and propylene) will require an investment of between US$900 billion and US$1.5 trillion for new production sites, mainly for the electrified steam crackers and bioethanol-to-ethylene conversion processes. The aromatics may demand a total investment of US$220 billion to US$370 billion, mainly for the breakdown of lignin resources and methanol-to-aromatics process.
The chart below splits the investments required into the following silos: ammonia, methanol, olefins and aromatics (benzene, toluene, xylene). Each has estimates in a wide band owing to substantial uncertainties about circularity, demand and technology cost changes. Improvements in circularity alone could have a significant impact on the projections: the global economy is currently less than 10% circular. Some technologies are in their early phases and have an uncertain development path. And the reduction of costs for renewable chemicals will depend strongly on the pace of renewable production development.
Though the timelines examined in this study extend several decades into the future, it’s important to focus on actions that can be taken immediately. The chemicals industry thinks in long time frames, with five- to ten-year project implementation periods and operational lifespans of several decades. Failing to act now, or even investing in new but conventional plants, would narrow the time window of the remaining carbon budget and would risk creating large amounts of stranded assets in the future. According to the One Earth Climate Model (OECM), a five-year delay in the implementation of a defossilisation pathway will cause additional emissions of six gigatonnes of CO2 in energy-related emissions alone.
Finally, acting now is a good business decision. Companies across all sectors have embarked on their net-zero journey, and they will need green materials, which the chemicals industry can provide. The steel sector is already seizing the opportunity by marketing green steel as a premium product, and the chemicals industry could take an even bigger prize, as its products are required in almost every aspect of modern life.
Volker Fitzner, a leading practitioner in the global chemicals sector, is a partner with LMC Germany.
Jürgen Peterseim, a specialist in net-zero and energy transition strategies, is a director with LMC Germany.
Also contributing to this article from LMC Germany are Marcela Camps de la Maza, Dario Galvan, Meike Leu, Tim Malich, Anselm von Urach and Moritz Zahn.
Sven Teske is an Associate Professor and Research Director at the Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology Sydney, Australia.
Maartje Feenstra is a Senior Research Consultant at the Institute for Sustainable Futures.
Also contributing to this article from the University of Technology Sydney are Senior Research Consultants Dr. Sarah Niklas and Dr. Simran Talwar.
1 Full decarbonisation isn’t possible in the chemicals industry, because carbon is essential to the production of many chemicals. But the sector can still pursue net-zero targets through defossilisation, defined by the Royal Society as ‘replacing fossil-derived feedstocks with alternative, non-fossil sources of carbon.’
2 Green molecules refers to energy carriers that are produced using renewable energy sources and therefore have a low- or zero-carbon footprint, making them ‘green.’
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