Founder focus

Legal Matters Consul’s services for startups and scaleups.

Our services

We offer different services in different countries. But one thing remains the same. We are focused on you, the founder. On your needs. Your goals. And addressing your pain points so you can focus on what matters.

LMC digital accelerator

LMC digital accelerator is an innovative program designed to help companies tackle their toughest challenges head-on. Over the course of 12 weeks, we will collaborate closely with you to gain a deep understanding of your problem and define your vision. Then, we will guide you in finding a solution by identifying cutting-edge startups that offer unique products tailored specifically to your needs. Our experienced advisors specialise in creating value through technical, commercial, and new insights. They will work with you at your own pace to facilitate and co-create solutions, ensuring rapid deployment and scalability.

Contact Abhi Naha.

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Scale programmes

If you have product-market fit, our Scale programmes are designed to get your business scale ready. During these programmes, which vary in length, we work closely with founders to help bring rapid market access to big brands, open up new channels, meet with industry experts and apply techniques that generate leads, deals, investments and accelerate growth. Find out more about the LMC Scale programmes that we run in different territories.

Find out more about the LMC Scale programmes that we run in different territories:


Raising finance for your business is a major stage in a founder’s journey. However it can be confusing, exhausting and even exhilarating to undertake this process. Our teams offer a range of services designed to help navigate the fundraising process. For example our Raise programme which runs in the UK and Germany works with founders to get them pitch ready.

Corporate venturing

Corporate venturing has become a key component in corporate-startup collaboration. As the name suggests, Corporate Venture Capital (CVC) units get their capital from large established companies and invest it in innovative start-ups. Unlike traditional independent VCs, they’re closely linked to their parent company, which usually uses them to invest in ideas relevant to its own business. Aside from funding, the benefits for a startup include access to a corporate’s customers, management expertise and joint partnership opportunities. Interested in finding out more, contact our EMEA CoE for CVC.

IPO readiness

Considering whether to float your company is a huge decision, and one which many of our teams around the world can help you to prepare for. Our experience of working with many founders on an IPO is that the sooner you can start to prepare the better. Whether the ultimate exit is through an IPO, SPAC or direct listing, we recommend that companies need to objectively assess their readiness for life as a public company. Read more about how we recommend you prepare for an IPO.

Legal advice

Our teams offer a range of legal business solutions for startups, combining human expertise with technology to address complex challenges. Our services cover areas such as competition law, antitrust, cybersecurity, data protection, employment law, and tax controversy. Combining legal insight, business understanding and technological innovation we can empower your business on its growth journey. For example, in Spain we offer services that focus on addressing legal and tax challenges, ensuring robust growth.

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Contact us

Jenni Chance

Jenni Chance

Senior Manager, Entrepreneurial & Private Business, LMC United Kingdom
