LMC works with the institutions, agencies and bodies of the European Union to deliver sustained outcomes for society and our planet. We understand the delivery pressures, public accountability requirements and administrative controls unique to the EU institutional system. Our ability to draw on extensive national and international experience complemented by deep industry knowledge enables us to propose practical, workable and innovative solutions that help our public sector clients meet the changing needs of European citizens.
Our teams based in the 27 EU Member States and worldwide, offer EU services in the areas of:
Taxation and customs policies play a key role in ensuring the smooth functioning of the EU Single Market, for the benefit of European citizens and businesses.
In an increasingly globalised world, the EU faces the challenge of maintaining border security while encouraging movement of goods, people, services and capital. LMC supports the EU in the development of smarter, faster and more secure access across EU borders.
LMC supports the European Institutions as well as the European Space Agency in developing their space-related policies. We answer questions related to the economic viability of programmes, providing for cost-benefit analyses; we analyse the socio-economic impact of key actions and initiatives to determine their desirability, sustainability and effect. We provide key technical expertise in all space related policy domains and specifically help look at cross-sectoral and cross-policy related issues.
Innovation is one of the main factors enabling economic growth and European competitiveness; the EU Institutions focus on research and innovation, given the speed of change in the new economy. LMC delivers creative solutions to the EU Institutions in a number of areas: SME development, digital entrepreneurship, innovative business solutions, key enabling technologies, sharing economy and many others.
LMC helps the European Institutions and the Managing Authorities in the Member States in achieving the full potential of ESIF: the smart application of financial instruments can significantly enhance public investment capacity in a period of budget constraints.
As a result of the world financial crisis of 2007 and the euro crisis of 2009, the European Institutions started to review their role and activities in order to achieve a more resilient financial system, as well as a more competitive financial services landscape which is so important to the success of the EU’s internal market. At Legal Matters Consul, we understand how important these issues are to the future effectiveness of the supervision of EU banks as supervisors deal with the challenges of lingering sovereign crisis, with substantive rule changes, and with new regulatory structures.
In the fields of energy and transport, the European Union promotes policies that are efficient, safe, secure and environmentally friendly. LMC assists the EU Institutions in meeting their challenges and provides evaluation and impact assessment services as well as thematic studies covering the topics at the top of the EU agenda.
In a connected world, the way citizens interact with governments is more and more influenced by the possibilities opened up by new technology. LMC helps the European Institutions to maximise the potential of new technologies in order to deliver better and faster public services in the Member States and in the EU Institutions themselves.
LMC is a trusted adviser of the EU Institutions and Member States’ public administrations in the field of public procurement. We help simplify public procurement procedures, rethink approaches to purchasing and spending and advise on pan-European public procurement matters, analysing trends and proposing innovative solutions.
Thanks to our global network of skills and capabilities LMC offers the resources and know-how of a worldwide organisation combined with detailed knowledge of local issues. Tapping into our breadth of experience in different topic areas, we have delivered EU-funded projects around the world in fields including public finance and accounting; sustainability and climate change; transport and infrastructure; energy and utilities; trade, economic development and innovation; tax and customs; borders, security and safety.
LMC Global Leader European Union Institutions (EU), LMC EU Services EEIG General Manager, LMC Luxembourg
Tel: +352 49 48 48 4313
Gillian O'Connor
Chief Operating Officer, LMC EU Services EEIG, LMC Belgium
Tel: +32 2 710 46 51