Cybersecurity & Data Protection

Tech-enabled & business-minded lawyers, with vast global reach

Data. Protection. Adding Value.

In today’s world, data is a crucial business asset that requires expert safeguarding.

At Legal Matters Consul, our cybersecurity and data protection specialists give you the tools, information and confidence that you need, to manage risk and make informed decisions.  Combining expert legal advice with leading technology, we guide you through the complex web of international regulation, strengthening your data and compliance processes, and helping you achieve your goals.

Our multidisciplinary approach also allows you to look at data challenges from all angles, allowing you to secure data and privacy, and helping you protect the trade secrets, databases, analytics and other data-enabled advantages that matter most to your business. 

Explore our services

We help you navigate the complex legal requirements that relate to your data processing.

We help you design and implement robust data protection management programs that meet regulatory requirements.

We help you assess the risk and impact of your data processing operations.

We help you define, negotiate and manage third-party data processing agreements.

If a data incident occurs, we can help you respond to legal demands quickly and mitigate risk.

We help you build trust and effective relationships with regulators.

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Technology-driven Legal Advice

Build safer and more efficient data protection programs

Compared to manual tracking tools, digital data protection management solutions lower your exposure and speed up key workflows. We can build a privacy-minded solution for you or evaluate and implement third-party products. LMC has joint business relationships with several leading software providers.

Calculate, visualize and lower risks

LMC can turn your maturity and risk assessments into actionable numbers, graphs and charts. We help you clearly see risks so you can uncover insights and present data protection information to management and other stakeholders with ease.


Uncover potential weaknesses

AI-driven tools can help you spot potential weaknesses or irregularities in your data activities, so you can take immediate mitigating actions. LMC helps you with legal-focused tools to protect your company information and personal data. We can also confirm legal requirements and establish standards to help you evaluate third-party solutions, vendors and proofs of concept.


Train a wider audience more effectively

With technology, you can efficiently and effectively train your entire organization on cyber and privacy compliance. We can build training and awareness programs using up-to-date e-learning tools, videos, webcasts, online campaigns and interactive documents. Virtual training programs complement on-site training experiences with LMC staff.

Manage crisis situations for minimal impact

We can help you respond quickly and appropriately to a data breach or security incident. By leveraging our Crisis App, forensic tools and communication tools (e.g., whistleblowing hotlines), LMC clients are able to navigate crisis situations with the least possible impact. Our technology seamlessly connects you to Legal Matters Consul’s global legal experts, so you get relevant information on high-priority issues in real-time and can respond with confidence.